Professional cyber security services. Experts in protecting business systems and data from cyber threats. We provide pragmatic services for business continuity, cyber event detection, response and recovery.
The 2020 CIRA Cybersecurity Report is out, and here are some highlights of the findings.
Organisations are seeing a spike in cyber-attacks during the pandemic.
80% of organisations reported at least one cyber incident in the past year.
One quarter of organisations experienced a breech of customer and/or employee data last year.
38% of organisations reported that they don’t know if they were breached.
Fewer organisations expect to increase their resources dedicated to cyber-security. One in ten expoect to have fewer resources than last year.
78% of public sector employees have been required to work from home.
60% of private sector employees have been required to work from home.
In short - threats and attacks are up. Vulnerability is increased, the attack surface is larger, and we will have fewer resources to deal with it. Less than half of all organisations that experienced a data breach actually reported it (as required by law). This when PIPEDA comes with fines of up to $100,000 for non-compliance.